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Strengthening women's rights in Mauritania through the establishment of awareness committees to fight against female genital mutilation and force-feeding

A project funded by the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)

October 2022 to February 2023





The project was implemented in the rural regions of Brakna, Gorgol, and Guidimakha. These areas were targeted by our interventions because women living in these territories are particularly affected by the practices of female genital mutilation (FGM) and force-feeding. According to OFPRA, 88% of women living in Brakna were subjected to excision in 2013, with higher percentages in the state of Gorgol (95%) and Guidimakha (97%). These figures are primarily due to the ignorance of remote communities that continue to practice and believe that female genital mutilation and force-feeding are required by religion and beneficial for women's health. These types of violence are mainly practiced by the Peulhs, Maures, and Soninkés, who view these practices as rites of passage that will make the young girl more beautiful in the eyes of her future husband.

The project aimed to reduce the prevalence of violence against women in Mauritania through an awareness campaign and the formation of awareness committees. ADFM organized discussion groups with men and women from each targeted village. These sessions were supported by the participation of members of civil society and local authorities. In each village, an awareness committee was established to organize a variety of awareness activities throughout the year, aiming to sustain efforts against the practices of excision and force-feeding. This approach was replicated in the nine villages, leading to the coordination of more than 20 awareness workshops.

A picture is worth a thousand words

Refer to our project final report

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